Cost of warranty is a significant area of concern for the global auto industry. Automotive organizations are focusing on the development of an enterprise quality improvement solution that integrates failure related data from multiple inputs, apart from warranty claims, and offers analytical capabilities for structured and unstructured data.
WTM allows a unique comprehensive enterprise quality improvement framework. It addresses the transformational aspect of quality across the entire value chain, from product development till service. It facilitates the effective capture of field failure inputs, its subsequent analysis and corresponding actions which drive next generation product quality improvement. This framwork has applicability across multiple industry segments across all geographies and customer bases.
Key Features
- Usage of text analytics to extract useful information from unstructured text
- Root cause analysis for decision support to enhance enterprise quality
- Product development process integration with table fill up support
- Reliability analytics to enable quality engineering process
- Allows warranty cost budgeting and service parts emergency planning
- Helps in providing early warning signals
This framwork will help you in proactively identifying emerging issues before they occur, which will in turn reduce warranty incidents and save on expenses and improve your products brand image.