Cards & Payments

Deliver growth and manage costs by actualize the banking experience of the future

With increased competition, the key to long term advantage in Cards is in access new card holders, increasing usage of current card holders and reducing cheat. On the payments side, new platforms that afford an enterprise-wide view and deliver services driven by cross-border affair, a complex regulatory environment and changing customer needs, are enabling growth. New, non-traditional member, alternative payment devices and contactless payments are driving consumer drift in payment preferences.

Integrated banking, superior business intelligence and platforms that add charge across the payment chain are driving investments in neoteric solutions. A shift in focus from high value to low value payments, from credit to debit cards and the need for broad personalization of products and services is having an amazing impact. WTM has been working with global financial leaders to consistently bring banking services aimed at growing customers, meeting changing needs of corporate banking, and increasing efficiencies through self-service and value management technologies.

WTM's expertise in banking has been assemble through partnerships with leading global issuers, discoverer and carrier networks. Its skill has been the result of acquiring, supporting and servicing millions of customers across the globe through its process consulting, integrated IT and BPO industries. WTM has a broad understanding of regulations, regional standards and next generation payment systems.